Anyone starting to use Guilded?

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Yesterday's Top Poster


Staff member
Feb 3, 2021
Has anyone here started to try and use guilded at all? For those who may not know, guilded is the new competitor to Discord, it looks pretty good and it's something I've been keeping an eye out on.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2021
Never heard of it. Will have to wait for it to become more popular and then check it out. I'm used to discord as it's why I use it but will watch to see if it grows.
The best time to get on a program is to use it when it's new. If everyone waits until it's popular it'll never become popular. You jump on early you can get Partnered with them, get a verified server, get free merch, and increase revenue and everything tenfold. I made $30 a month off of it, not a lot but it still helps a little lol.

I was looking at it, might be good to set something up just to put a place holder for my site.
Yeah, it's always good to have something right now, reserve the url :)

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